Why is it that we women seem to have more "blah" days than our male counterparts? At least once or twice a month, either myself or one of my closest friends has what I call a blah-day! You know the kind where you wake up and nothing goes right, from the time you put your foot on the floor out of the bed. I always tell my best friend that I am just in a funk and don't know how to get out...bear with me! Mind you, I am generally an upbeat person! But when I get in one of my "funks", it can be hard to shake! She was having one of those yesterday. She text messaged me saying, " I just need girl time!" I know that is code for, "I don't know why, just let me vent, come quickly!" And usually after a little girlfriend reinforcement(possibly over a margarita), we are ok again. So today is my shout out to my sweet girlfriends(you know who you are), who have let me cry on their shoulder over some loser guy, who ate whatever junkfood I was craving with me, and who cried with me over some silly movie all because I was having a "blah" day! I couldn't live without you!!!