I decided to write today about three of the best mommies I know: my best friend since grade school Suzanne, my co-worker Jennifer, and my cousin Kim. Each one of these women deserve a special shout-out!
First, there is Suzanne. She like myself, got married young, divorced, and then met her prince charming and was ready to start a family. Suzanne and I grew up together and there is probably no one on earth who knows me better than she does. We are much alike in some ways: upbringing, morals/values, love of shopping/decorating, but our personalities are vastly different in some ways as well. But never has it interferred with us growing closer over the years and my deep love for her as a friend! She has had the joy of raising a two and three year old since getting remarried about four years ago. One of them is a literal clone of her and the other of her husband. It's amazing and they are adorable! She has taught me how to be patient! She has no idea the immense respect I have for her and what a terrific mother I think she is!
Second, there is Jennifer. She is the proud(trust me, she is proud...she takes more pictures of her child than anyone I know-lol) mommy of one year old, cutie-patootie Madelyn! I met Jennifer about four and a half years ago at work and would have never dreamed that she would become one of my favorite co-workers and friends! I can remember attending her wedding and thinking I was witnessing Cinderella herself getting married! She made a beautiful bride and has made an even more beautiful mother! I think new moms fail to realize that so much of their beauty is not dependant on losing the baby weight as soon as possible, but rather in the love and joy they posess in the daily job of motherhood. She is beautiful inside and out and has shown me that it is perfectly acceptable to be proud of, brag about, and shower your child with love. The reward is a wonderfully, happy child like Maddy!
And finally is my cousin, Kim. Kim is more like my sister than my cousin. We are only a year apart in age and grew up in Florida together. If you had told me fifteen years ago that she would have children before me and would turn out to be such an amazing mother, I probably wouldn't have believed it! I believe that God allows us to go through things in our life to mold us and shape us into who we are meant to be. Kim had to be a supportive wife early in her marriage and as a new mom, to her husband battling cancer. During this time she grew closer to God and became so much stronger. I cannot imagine the emotions one goes through at that time in your life, but I am thankful to say many years of remission later, it has made her a mother that values every second she has with her family. She has also become one of my spiritual shoulders to lean on. I cannot tell you the ways that I have learned how to be a good parent by her example! She is wise beyond her years and I am so thankful that she is my "sister"!
So, when and if God blesses me with children of my own, I will be more than ready to take on the challenge! I only hope He realizes that the biological clock is ticking...and you girls better be around to throw me a baby shower! LOL!
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